Saturday, 23 March 2013

AT in the Kitchen

As part of our class today we had to look into different low tech tools available to assist people with various tasks. I found this video below on you tube that goes through a tour of a kitchen that is accessible. Some of the items in the kitchen would not be considered low tech and could be very expensive to implement, but some are low tech and would not cost a lot to implement. Many learning centers in the schools have kitchens and this video would be great to watch to see what could be implemented in those kitchens to make them more accessible to the students in the learning center.

Here are three other videos that my classmates found that are interesting. Make sure you check out the last video on Cool Life Hacks. There are some amazing ideas in here for everyone. I would be surprised if someone watched it and didn't learn a new trick.

Video 1: UDL Kitchen Gadgets

Video 2: Assistive Tech for Writing

 Video 3: Life Hacks

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting video! So many low-tech solutions in one kitchen. The ironic thing is after watching these low-tech solution videos, they are really mentioning very practical things that can be used by everyone. I would love to have some of the things she mentioned in your video (especially the sink tap). Not to mention I would love to have a beautiful kitchen such as the one in the video! :)
